Fantasy sports participants
USA - 27.1 million (age 12 and above)
Canada - 2.8 million (age 12 and above)
Economic impact
$800 million impact within the fantasy sports industry
$3 billion impact across the sports industry
Fantasy sports participation by sport - USA
Football - 22.2 million
Baseball - 12.5 million
Racing - 9.6 million
Golf - 8.4 million
Hockey - 8.1 million
Basketball - 5.4 million
Fantasy sports participation by sport - Canada
Hockey - 1.87 million (are you really surprised?)
Football - 672 thousand
Baseball - 476 thousand
Golf - 420 thousand
Racing - 350 thousand
Basketball - 196 thousand
Due to the current economic situation, the growth in the industry has flattened but overall there hasn't been a decline, which is actually good news. "Flat is the new up..."
FSTA Market Study, Ipsos, July 2009
FSTA Consumer Behavior Study, University of Mississippi, July 2008