What has been unexpected has been the bi-partisan support for this measure. The bill had to pass through both the Governmental Organization and Appropriations Committees, with votes required to move them out (Appropriations actually needed votes to move in and to move out). All three votes were unanimous, with no abstentions. Both Republicans and Democrats are in support. This bill has a real chance of getting through. To track the bill's progress, you can use this link.
Nevada, currently the state with the de facto monopoly on sports betting, has got to be concerned. If New Jersey implemented sports betting, yes, that would have some impact on Nevada. If California implemented sports betting, what does Nevada have left as an attractant to California customers, still a major source of gaming revenue? There was a previous post that posited an idea to help the northern Nevada casinos deal with increased gaming competition from California. If sports betting comes to California, all of Nevada may need to consider this.
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