Saturday, August 11, 2012

California Sports Betting Bill Update

On August 8th, the Assembly Appropriations Committee moved the sports betting bill, SB 1390, into its suspense file, moving the bill to the next step.  Although the term "suspense file" seems like bad news, it isn't.

Bills that impact the budget go to the budget committee, while other bills with financial impact are reviewed by the appropriations committee.  This bill falls into the latter category.  Under the committee rules (both Senate and Assembly), bills that have a financial impact over a certain amount have to pass through the suspense file.  The bill has to be voted to be moved in to and out of the suspense file.  Moving this bill into the file is a necessary step.  The next step would be a future hearing where the bill will have to be voted out of the suspense file (and thereby out of the committee).  At that point, the bill is then back on the Assembly floor for final vote.

The bill has already completely passed the Senate and passed the Assembly Governmental Organization Committee.  If this bill does pass the Assembly, the bill in its current form does need to go back to the Senate for revote so that the Senate can approve the changes made in the Assembly.  Since the Senate previously passed the bill by a 33-2 vote, this revote would be a formality, in my view.

At that point, the bill would go to the governor for signature, with the bill coming into force January 1st of next year.

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harada57 said...
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