How do you counter gambling? MORE GAMBLING! As Sarah Palin might say, "you didn't see that one coming, you betcha!"
Delaware is one of four states that is grandfathered under the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act to legally offer sports gambling. If bigger states offer more slot machines to keep their gambling citizens within state borders, how does a small state like Delaware compete? Offering something Pennsylvania and Maryland can't is probably a good idea. The link to the Associated Press article has more detail on the subject.
The outgoing governor is against the idea, but who cares? She's leaving so who gives a hoot about what she thinks? The incoming governor is facing a revenue shortfall to the tune of about 500 million dollars, and the increased gaming competition from nearby states isn't going to help. He could opt for the Beatles' "Taxman" approach, but that won't be too popular. But adding more gambling? A win-win! (except for the people that lose money gambling) The choice is, do you let those gamblers lose money in someone else's state, or do you want them to lose money in Delaware? If you're Delaware, that's a no brainer.
If Delaware adds sports gambling products that are popular and profitable, Delaware could totally counter what her neighboring states are doing. To those that are scratching their heads, yes, you can offer a sports betting product that loses money. Check out my recent posts regarding Montana Sports Action.

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