What makes fantasy sports different from typical sports betting is how fantasy sports contests operate. In a nutshell, fantasy sports games operate as contests. These contests can either be free or pay-to-play. We'll discuss the pay-to-play as one of the generally accepted elements for gambling isn't met - consideration.
To be gambling, typically an activity needs all three elements - prize, consideration and chance. For the free to play games, if there is no cost to enter, then there isn't any consideration and therefore it's not gambling. So, isn't pay-to-play then gambling because there's consideration? Not necessarily because of the element of chance. Fantasy sports generally is viewed as a skill game. Generally, because states can have different interpretations of what constitutes chance. Overall, in about 41 of the 50 states, fantasy sports are viewed as a game of skill rather than chance.
In the UIGEA, fantasy sports contests are defined as a game of skill and exempt from internet gambling restrictions if they operate within certain guidelines. Basically, you can't have a fantasy team be 100% of a real team, you have to explicitly state your prize structure and levels and not have them vary with the number of game participants, and the real-world games used as basis of games should be more than just a single game.
As stated at the beginning of the post, most people only deal with free games or games with low stakes and prizes. But there are some life-changing payouts out there playing fantasy sports, even in a contest format.
From the Fantasy Sports Business blog, they list a few of the high-stakes fantasy sports contests and top payout levels:
World Championship of Fantasy Football - $300,000
RapidDraft.com - $100,000
Footballguys Players Championship - $100,000
Fantasy Football Players Championship - $100,000
National Fantasy Football Championship - $100,000
So, the top prizes for these five non-gambling fantasy football contests total $700,000. Life changing payouts for playing fantasy football and getting to watch LOTS of NFL games! How cool is that?